We are happy to announce that after much prayer and deliberation we have decided that SPLASH 2022 will be held Friday, July 29th and Saturday, July 30th! If you paid your registration fee for SPLASH 2020 and would like your payment applied to your registration for SPLASH 2022, please contact us at [email protected] or complete the Contact Us form (include your name, address, and payment information) to inform us of your intention. Once we confirm payment was received and you complete the SPLASH 2022 Registration Form your registration will be complete.
Thank you!
SPLASH Gordon 2022
Pre-registration is now available to place your name on the list for SPLASH participation prior to registration opening or prior to your submission of the required documents. Early Registration is open until April 30th and provides a $25.00 discount off the regular registration fee of $75.00 to all who pre-register prior to this date! Take advantage of this savings by completing the On-line Pre-Registration Form now. Payment of the $50.00 pre-registration fee must be made by the March 31st deadline to be eligible for the discount. For your convenience, you may submit your payment online via PayPal HERE or mail your payment to the Gordon Memorial Baptist Association @ 373 Morrow Dr., Calhoun GA 30701.
You may download the complete Registration Packet (here) that is required to complete your registration process. Completed Registration Packet, along with payment (make checks payable to SPLASH Gordon), may be submitted in one of four ways:
For your convenience you may submit your payment online via Paypal now to secure your spot on a SPLASH Team. PLEASE NOTE: This is only a pre-registration process - your registration is NOT finalized until your completed REGISTRATION PACKET and FULL PAYMENT is returned to your Church Point Person, the Gordon Memorial Baptist Association Office or submitted on-line. Criminal Background Check must also be completed and signature notarized for ALL adult volunteers before participation in SPLASH.
You may download the complete Registration Packet (here) that is required to complete your registration process. Completed Registration Packet, along with payment (make checks payable to SPLASH Gordon), may be submitted in one of four ways:
- Submit to your churches point person
- Submit to the Gordon Memorial Baptist Association @ 373 Morrow Rd SE, Calhoun, GA 30701
- Scan your completed forms and upload HERE - you must submit payment for your registration to be complete. To pay online click HERE
- For your convenience On-line Registration is now available until June 15th - click here to begin the process.
For your convenience you may submit your payment online via Paypal now to secure your spot on a SPLASH Team. PLEASE NOTE: This is only a pre-registration process - your registration is NOT finalized until your completed REGISTRATION PACKET and FULL PAYMENT is returned to your Church Point Person, the Gordon Memorial Baptist Association Office or submitted on-line. Criminal Background Check must also be completed and signature notarized for ALL adult volunteers before participation in SPLASH.